
DMK Enzyme Treatment

Remove, Rebuild, Protect and Maintain. "DMK Enzyme Therapy works with the skin rather than merely acting on the surface".


Treatment Information

Treatment Time

1 hour 15 min

Result Duration

1 - 5 Days



Potential Risk

Redness & itching


4 - 6 Weeks

Back to work

Same day


What is the DMK Enzyme treatment?

The DMK Signature Enzyme Therapy is designed to strengthen and repair the natural integrity of the skin, creating a healthy environment for cells to live and thrive in. Enzyme Therapy flushes out toxins and impurities, whilst working the facial muscles to tighten and firm the skin. DMK uses Transfer Messenger Enzymes to heal your skin on a cellular level. We use enzyme therapy to heal acne, rosacea, inflammation and pigmentation.

DMK believes that the origin of most skin conditions is a result of disharmony within the skin. Using the principles of biochemistry, DMK has formulated a range of treatments and products designed to educate skin cells to perform and function like youthful, healthy skin.

Have you seen the official DMK International video?

What happens during a DMK Enzyme treatment?

This unique treatment experience also uses DMK specialised transdermal serums, oils and nourishing creams tailored perfectly to your skin condition and the results you wish to see.

The DMK Enzyme mask needs to work on your skin for 45 minutes.  During this time, the mask will harden and become VERY tight. This is when the magic happens! The tightening effect is drawing out the toxins, tightening the facial muscles and pumping fresh, oxygenated blood to the skin. So while you relax, a complimentary arm and hand massage will be performed.

Once the mask is removed, your skin will feel firmer, tighter and fresh. The plasmatic effect will be seen at this stage, although this does not last long (around 30-60 minutes).

What is the Plasmatic Effect?
DMK’s Enzyme Therapy provides the incredible world renowned Plasmatic Effect.  
The Plasmatic Effect is a rebalancing of fluids in the tissue once the Enzyme Masque is removed.  This typically fades within 30-60 minutes, but the treatment will keep on working in the bloodstream for up to 8 hours.  The visible network of dilated capillaries delivers oxygen and nutrition into the skin.  The lymphatic system flushes away impurities and cellular waste, leaving behind a clean, clear matrix, renewed energy to the cells and a vibrant complexion.
What are Enzymes?

Enzymes are living substances that work with certain minerals in the body to orchestrate all processes in the body.  When properly formulated, enzymes can remove dead protein, toxins and other effluvia from the epidermis using a process called reverse osmosis.  The enzymes strengthen the structural integrity of the skin to create a healthy environment for the cells to thrive in

DMK is the only company in the world to utilize the beneficial effects of transfer messenger enzymes to restore your skin to its peak condition and keep you looking younger. Where some cosmetic facial treatments may only act on the surface of the skin, DMK Enzyme Treatments work deep within the skin at the cellular level.

Am I suitable?

Anyone and everyone will benefit from Enzyme Therapy.  Treatments are especially good for improving skin conditions and concerns such as:

  • Clients wanting to strengthen their skin
  • Acne
  • Pigmentation
  • Scarring 
  • Rosacea
  • Age Management 
  • Dull lifeless skin
  • For all skin types
How many treatments do I need?

Results are noticeable from your first treatment, however a course of three sessions are recommended.  With three sessions, you will begin to see and feel your skin strengthening and improving in both touch and appearance. Your first few treatments can be carried out 2-4 weeks apart, then every 30 days until the skin is functioning well.  Future follow up treatments can be carried out every 6-12 weeks depending on the individual.

What is Skin Purging?

Skin purging is a supercharged cleanse for your complexion. It is usually caused by an active ingredient in a skincare product or a process that speeds up the skin’s cell shedding and renewal phase i.e. Microneedling  or Chemical Peels. These ingredients and technologies stimulate the cell renewal turnover rate leaving behind clearer, smoother skin. Before we get to our clear and smooth skin state, we sometimes have to battle through a skin purge.

While the process of purging skin itself isn’t pretty, the results are usually worth it. Let’s take a closer look at skin purging, what purging skin can look like and how long it lasts.

Skin purging is often the result of introducing ingredients like retinoids, AHAs, BHAs, PHA, chemical peels, Microneedling and even lasers that can kickstart your skin’s cell renewal and bring all the debris under your skin to the surface, which, in the short term, can cause breakouts and redness. If you are prone to Acne or have previously been prone to Acne, the chances of purging are significantly higher.


Purging follows our skin’s natural cell renewal, so the full benefits of purging won’t reveal themselves for between four to six weeks after your in clinic treatment or four to six weeks after starting your new skin care regime.

In the long run, skin purging helps us shed dead skin cells more effectively which reduces pore-clogging build-up and breakouts, and it does settle down after a few weeks. But you do have to buckle in and ride out a few weeks of discomfort to see the best results. 


During this turbulent time for your skin, it is important to be kind to it.

Stick to gentle and basic skincare to avoid further inflammation; a gentle cleanser, a soothing hydrating moisturiser, and sunscreen during the day. If a certain product has caused the purge, don’t stop using this but do limit its use, 2 times a week would be good to continue with. If an in clinic treatment has caused your Purge i.e. Microneedling, leave your skin 4-6 weeks from your last session and then book in for another session. Continuing with the treatment will help you break through the purge and eventually, it will stop happening. 

Idea of an AM/PM skincare routine whilst going through a skin purge:


Medik8 Gentle Cleanse
Medik8 Press & Clear
Medik8 Hydr8 B5
Medik8 Daily Radiance Vit C + SPF


Medik8 Gentle Cleanse
Medik8 Hydr8 B5
Medik8 Advanced Night Restore

Direct to spots only:  Medik8 Blemish SOS

Medik8 Aftercare Kits are available to purchase in clinic, for post-treatment skin. Designed specifically to help compromised or delicate skin recover after a professional treatment.

Precare Treatment Advice
  • Avoid other facial treatments at least 1 week prior to your treatment
  • Avoid Botox and Dermal Fillers 2 weeks prior to treatment
  • Avoid extensive sun exposure and the use of tanning beds 3 days prior to your treatment
  • Avoid any hair removal including, laser or waxing to the area 7 days prior to treatment area
  • Do not use active topicals 3 days prior to you treatment including retinoids, acids, scrubs and exfoliators
Aftercare Treatment Advice
  • Keep hydrated
  • Do not consume alcohol for 48 hours
  • Avoid touching the treated area
  • Avoid long showers and hot baths for 24 hours after treatment
  • Avoid  swimming, saunas and spa environments for 48 hours
  • Avoid exercise and sweating for 48 hours
  • Avoid direct sunlight, sun-beds and tanning for 48 hours
  • Do not use any aggressive treatments for up to 72 hours
  • Do not wash your face or use any products for 4-6 hours
  • Do not use active topicals 3 days after your treatment including retinoids, acids, scrubs and exfoliators
  • Do not apply makeup for 12  hours
  • Sterilise glasses and sunglasses before applying onto your face
  • Always wear a broad spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin (minimum 30)
  • Coldsores (herpes virus)
  • Active Infections (skin)
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding mothers
  • Body Dysmorphia
  • Unrealistic Expectations
  • Blood thinning medication
  • Epilepsy
  • Skin Cancer
  • Haemophilia
  • Autoimmune diseases

By Appointment Only...

At Louise Vivien Skin, we offer non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments to help people become the best versions of themselves and enhance their natural beauty.

We are strictly by appointment only! Please contact us by telephone, e-mail or by filling in the contact form on the contact page.

Take good care of your skin and hydrate. If you have good skin, everything else will fall into place.