

Rejuvenate your skin, a revitalising skin procedure which triggers cell renewal, encouraging elastin and collagen production, helping rejuvenate fine lines and wrinkles.


Treatment Information

Treatment Time

60 Minutes

Result Duration

1 - 5 Days



Potential Risk

Swelling & bleeding


4 - 6 Weeks

Back to work

Same day


What is Microneedling?

Microneedling, also known as Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) is a minimally invasive procedure that uses fine needles to make miniscule, evenly-spaced micro-injuries to the skin. This triggers the body’s wound healing process, generates new collagen, stimulates healthy surrounding tissue to repair the damage, and brings the skin back to its healthiest looking state.

This repair process helps reduce the appearance of dark spots, wrinkles, sagging and texture irregularities such as acne pitting or stretch marks.

Microneedling can be used on all areas of the face and body and can treat a number of concerns.

What happens to my skin after my Microneedling treatment?
Microneedling healing stages:

When you leave your appointment, your skin may be flushed or bright red, as if you have spent the entire day out in the sun and have a mild to moderate sunburn.  The redness that you experience from microneedling will mostly fade within 48 hours. Other symptoms, such as peeling and breakouts, might take slightly longer to resolve.  Most of the visible recovery from microneedling happens in the first day or two after treatment, but healing will still be happening under the surface of your skin for up to 2 months afterwards. 

Even with careful aftercare, there isn’t much you can do to get rid of the redness immediately after microneedling.  Swelling is typical up to 48 hours after the procedure.  Flaking or peeling after microneedling is also relatively common.  Other side effects, like bumps, breakouts, and dry skin, are also common after microneedling but not everyone will experience them.  Taking care of your skin with moisturiser and gentle cleansers can minimize side effects.

Medik8 Aftercare Kits are available to purchase in clinic, for post-treatment skin. Designed specifically to help compromised or delicate skin recover after a professional treatment.

What is Mesotherapy-Microneedling?

We offer a more enhanced and bespoke treatment by combining our Microneedling with some of the very few CE marked Mesotherapy serums licensed for injectable treatments, enabling us to treat a multitude of skin concerns.

Once the small puncture sites are created in the skin by the Microneedling device, the Mesotherapy serums can then enter and penetrate deeper in to the skin more effectively.  This helps tackle pigmentation, aids hydration and promotes firming and tightening of the skin.

How many Microneedling treatments would I need?

The recommendation is between 3-6 treatments sessions, within 4-6 weeks intervals. This will depend on what your skin concerns are since each patient is different.  A bespoke treatment plan will be discussed within your consultation. 

Does it hurt?

This treatment has minimal to no pain.  You may feel it in certain areas of the face such as the forehead or the nose, however this is minimal.  Towards the end of the treatment, your skin may feel hot with a sunburnt feeling, but this will be resolved with a sterile, medical grade mask application and cooling cryotherapy globe massage.

What is Skin Purging?

Skin purging is a supercharged cleanse for your complexion. It is usually caused by an active ingredient in a skincare product or a process that speeds up the skin’s cell shedding and renewal phase i.e. Microneedling  or Chemical Peels. These ingredients and technologies stimulate the cell renewal turnover rate leaving behind clearer, smoother skin. Before we get to our clear and smooth skin state, we sometimes have to battle through a skin purge.

While the process of purging skin itself isn’t pretty, the results are usually worth it. Let’s take a closer look at skin purging, what purging skin can look like and how long it lasts.

Skin purging is often the result of introducing ingredients like retinoids, AHAs, BHAs, PHA, chemical peels, Microneedling and even lasers that can kickstart your skin’s cell renewal and bring all the debris under your skin to the surface, which, in the short term, can cause breakouts and redness. If you are prone to Acne or have previously been prone to Acne, the chances of purging are significantly higher.


Purging follows our skin’s natural cell renewal, so the full benefits of purging won’t reveal themselves for between four to six weeks after your in clinic treatment or four to six weeks after starting your new skin care regime.

In the long run, skin purging helps us shed dead skin cells more effectively which reduces pore-clogging build-up and breakouts, and it does settle down after a few weeks. But you do have to buckle in and ride out a few weeks of discomfort to see the best results. 


During this turbulent time for your skin, it is important to be kind to it.

Stick to gentle and basic skincare to avoid further inflammation; a gentle cleanser, a soothing hydrating moisturiser, and sunscreen during the day. If a certain product has caused the purge, don’t stop using this but do limit its use, 2 times a week would be good to continue with. If an in clinic treatment has caused your Purge i.e. Microneedling, leave your skin 4-6 weeks from your last session and then book in for another session. Continuing with the treatment will help you break through the purge and eventually, it will stop happening. 

Idea of an AM/PM skincare routine whilst going through a skin purge:


Medik8 Gentle Cleanse
Medik8 Press & Clear
Medik8 Hydr8 B5
Medik8 Daily Radiance Vit C + SPF


Medik8 Gentle Cleanse
Medik8 Hydr8 B5
Medik8 Advanced Night Restore

Direct to spots only:  Medik8 Blemish SOS

Medik8 Aftercare Kits are available to purchase in clinic, for post-treatment skin. Designed specifically to help compromised or delicate skin recover after a professional treatment.

Precare treatment advice
  • Do not consume alcohol at least 24 hours before as it can thin the blood and increase the possibility of bruising
  • Avoid medications like blood thinners, aspirin or anti-inflammatories 1 week prior to your treatment
  • Avoid other facials treatments at least 1 week prior to your treatment
  • Avoid Botox or dermal fillers 2 weeks before your treatment
  • Avoid extensive sun exposure and the use of tanning beds 3 days prior to your treatment
  • Avoid any hair removal including, laser or waxing to the area 7 days prior to treatment area
  • Do not use active topicals 3 days prior to your treatment including retinoids, acids, scrubs and exfoliators
Aftercare advice
  • Keep hydrated
  • DO NOT take any anti-inflammatories as these will interfere with the natural inflammatory process which is vital for skin rejuvenation
  • Do not consume alcohol for 48 hours
  • Avoid touching the treated area
  • Avoid long showers and hot baths for 24 hours after treatment
  • Avoid swimming, saunas and spa environments for 3 days
  • Avoid exercise and sweating for 12 hours
  • Avoid direct sun exposure, including sunbeds for 7 days post facial
  • Avoid any other cosmetic treatments e.g. Botox or dermal fillers for 2 weeks
  • Do not wash your face or use any products for 12 hours. Then you can cleanse your face as normal and apply your usual products minus the products listed below
  • Do not use active topicals 7 days after your treatment including retinoids, acids, scrubs and exfoliators
  • Do not apply makeup for 24 hours as this can increase the risk of infection
  • Avoid any perfumes, fake tan or other harsh chemicals for 72 hours
  • Ensure your makeup brushes and tools are cleaned and sanitised
  • Do not have any other treatments for 2 weeks post microneedling/dermaplaning and 4 weeks before another session
  • Sterilise glasses and sunglasses before applying onto your face
  • Sleep on a clean pillowcase
  • Always wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin (minimum 30)
  • Medik8 Aftercare Kits are available to purchase in clinic, for post-treatment skin. Designed specifically to help compromised or delicate skin recover after a professional treatment.
  • Coldsores (herpes virus)
  • Granulomas
  • Active Infections (skin)
  • Prone to keloid scarring
  • Accutane in the past 6 months to 1 year
  • Prescription retinol in the past 2 weeks
  • Waxing of the area to be treated in the past 7 days
  • An allergy to Aspirin
  • Allergy/hypersensitivity to certain skincare ingredients/topicals 
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding mothers
  • Body Dysmorphia
  • Unrealistic Expectations
  • Blood thinning medication
  • Epilepsy
  • Papustular Rosacea
  • Open Lesions
  • Solar Keratosis
  • Skin Cancer
  • Haemophilia
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Uncontolled diabetes

Have you seen the official NCTF/FILLMED video?

By Appointment Only...

At Louise Vivien Skin, we offer non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments to help people become the best versions of themselves and enhance their natural beauty.

We are strictly by appointment only! Please contact us by telephone, e-mail or by filling in the contact form on the contact page.

Take good care of your skin and hydrate. If you have good skin, everything else will fall into place.